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Essay about beauty

Essay about beauty

essay about beauty

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What Is Real Beauty - Definition Essay Sample

Originally published April 10, While income rose to unforeseen levels, college attendance ballooned, and access to information increased enormously, the interest young Americans showed in the arts—and especially literature—actually diminished, essay about beauty.

According to the Survey of Public Participation in the Arts, a population study designed and commissioned by the National Endowment for the Arts and executed by the US Bureau of the Censusarts participation by Americans has declined for eight of the nine major forms that are measured The declines have been most severe among younger adults ages 18— The most worrisome finding in the study, however, essay about beauty, is the declining percentage of Americans, especially young adults, reading literature.

That individuals at a time of crucial intellectual and emotional essay about beauty bypass the joys and challenges of literature is a troubling trend, essay about beauty. If it were true that they substituted histories, biographies, or political works for literature, one might not worry.

But book reading of any kind is falling as well. That such a longstanding and fundamental cultural activity should slip so swiftly, especially among young adults, essay about beauty, signifies deep transformations in contemporary life. The decline in reading has consequences that go beyond literature.

The significance of reading has become a persistent theme in the business world. Ironically, the value of reading and the intellectual faculties that it inculcates appear most clearly as active and engaged literacy declines. There is now a growing awareness of the consequences of nonreading to the workplace.

In the National Association of Manufacturers polled its members on skill deficiencies among employees. Among hourly workers, poor reading skills essay about beauty second, and 38 percent of employers complained that local schools inadequately taught reading comprehension.

The decline of reading is also taking essay about beauty toll in the civic sphere It is probably no surprise that declining rates of literary reading coincide with declining levels of historical and political awareness among young people. One reason for their higher social and cultural interactions may lie in the kind of civic and historical knowledge that comes with literary reading The decline of literary reading foreshadows serious long-term social and economic problems, and it is time to bring literature and the other arts into discussions of public policy.

Libraries, schools, and public agencies do noble work, but addressing the reading issue will require the leadership of politicians and the business community as well Reading is not a timeless, universal capability. Advanced literacy is a specific intellectual skill and social habit that depends on a great many educational, cultural, and economic factors. As more Americans lose this capability, essay about beauty, our nation becomes less informed, active, and independent-minded.

These are not the qualities that a free, innovative, or productive society can afford to lose. Write an essay in which you explain how Dana Gioia builds an argument to persuade his audience that essay about beauty decline of essay about beauty in America will have a negative effect on society. In your essay, analyze how Gioia uses one or more of the features in the directions that precede the passage or features of your own choice to strengthen the logic and persuasiveness of his argument.

Be sure that your analysis focuses on the most relevant features of the passage. Dana Gioia builds an argument designed and commissioned by the National Endowment for the Arts. Americans declined for eight of the nine major forms that are measured.

College attendance ballooned, and access to information increased enormously. Some of the younger kids showed in the arts and espically literature actually diminished. The significane of reading has become a persistent theme in the business world. The response is almost entirely composed of ideas and phrases taken directly from the passage, essay about beauty.

Overall, this response demonstrates inadequate reading comprehension. Analysis—1: The writer demonstrates no real understanding of the analytical task and offers no discernible analysis of the essay about beauty text.

The brief response is largely comprised of ideas and phrases taken directly from the passage. Overall, this response demonstrates inadequate analysis. Writing—1: This response demonstrates little cohesion and insufficient skill in the use and control of language. The writer includes no clear central claim or controlling idea and instead jumps into repeating ideas and phrases from the passage.

There is no real organization or progression of ideas, either in paragraphs or in the essay as a whole. Overall, this response demonstrates inadequate control of language and writing skill. He backs up this accusation by using a survey from In this survey Dana mentions that the decline of interest is mainley in younger adults. Then he transitions into how society as a whole will become essay about beauty free, innovative, and productive through reading alone.

Gioia uses evidense found in surveys, polls, and other articles to support his arguement. He seamlessly essay about beauty to his next idea while still supporting al of his previous claims. The level of writing shows he is skilled at persuading, for he connects to the reader through a very concerning topic, education. However, the writer provides little evidence of understanding the details Gioia provides to support these claims, essay about beauty.

Although there are no errors of interpretation or fact in the essay, this incomplete understanding demonstrates only partially successful reading comprehension.

Analysis—2: The writer demonstrates a partial understanding of the analytical task by offering limited analysis of the source text. Overall, this response demonstrates only partially successful analysis. Writing—2: This response demonstrates limited cohesion and writing skill. The response lacks a clear central claim or controlling idea. Although the writer does end the essay with a summary sentence The level of writing shows he is skilled at persuading, for he connects to the reader through a very concerning topic, educationthe response does not include a true introduction or conclusion to frame the discussion.

The response does demonstrate some progression of ideas; however, essay about beauty, given that the response is only one paragraph long, this progression is demonstrated on a very limited scale, essay about beauty. Although the writer displays relatively good control of language and vocabulary, there simply is not enough text here to assess the ability to organize ideas or paragraphs, essay about beauty.

For these reasons, this paper demonstrates only partially successful writing. He argues that intellectual abilities are decreacing.

Gioia expresses reasoning, includes evidence, and establishes word choice. His purpose is to essay about beauty more people to begin reading again in order to improve their intellectual level. He targets everyone essentially as his audience.

Gioia expresses reasoning in paragraph five when he states that the decline in reading will lead to consequences and people will have a lower set of mental skills. This causes the audience essay about beauty reflect on his point and want to be able to expand their talents. Finally Gioia displays proper word choice throughout the text to express the fact that having good reading comprehension will broaden your vocabulary.

He uses the word intellectual multiple times for effect, essay about beauty. Gioia expects that people will understand that they do need to read up on past events as well as other topics to be able to relate to society. He has a sense of hope that people will express essay about beauty abilities to grow and be fruitful with their social encounters.

There are no substantive errors of fact or interpretation in this essay. Overall, this response demonstrates proficient reading comprehension. Analysis—2: The writer demonstrates a limited understanding of the analytical task and offers only a partial analysis of how Gioia builds his argument.

Writing—3: This response is mostly cohesive and demonstrates broadly effective use and control of language. Starting with an effective introductory paragraph that includes a clear central claim Gioia expresses reasoning, includes evidence, and establishes word choice. His purpose is to encourage more people to begin reading again in order to improve their intellectual levelthe writer structures his essay clearly, if formulaically, around the three points of reasoning, evidence, and word choice.

Each paragraph remains on-topic, and there is a clear progression of ideas within paragraphs and across the essay as a whole. The response maintains a formal style and objective tone while demonstrating a variety of sentence structures. Although sentence structures are occasionally awkward Gioia expects that people will essay about beauty that they do need to read up on past events as well as other topics to be able to relate to societylanguage errors do not detract significantly from the quality of writing.

Overall, this response demonstrates proficient writing. Of course, these are all positive characteristics for a person to have. Using this study-based fact, Gioia aims to alert people to the personal benefits that come with reading regularly. Also, Gioia lists traits that employers may desire in a potential employee such as: imagination, creativity and essay about beauty thinking.

By doing this Gioia sends a message that having literary knowledge goes beyond literature and that it can be helpful in a workplace environment, essay about beauty. He states that poor reading skills ranked second among hourly workers and that 38 percent of employers complained that local schools inadequately taught reading comprehension.

Those statements may accomplish two things: scare any parent reading this passage in that their child may not be getting a good education, essay about beauty, and inspire his audience to not be one of the people that their employer is displeased with, essay about beauty. Just from that statement, Gioia has captured the attention of parents and any other individual that is insecure about their literary skills as well.

Gioia also uses comparison and contrast to depict to his audience what a desirable literary education provides as well as what the lack of literary education can result in, essay about beauty. The response is free of errors of fact and interpretation, and, essay about beauty, on the whole, demonstrates proficient reading comprehension.

Although the writer occasionally provides unsubstantiated assertions Of course, these are all positive characteristics for a person to have ; Just from that statement, Gioia has captured the attention of parentsthis does not substantially detract from what is overall a essay about beauty analysis of how Gioia builds and structures his argument.

Writing—3: This response is mostly cohesive and demonstrates effective use of language. Each paragraph essay about beauty the response remains on-topic and demonstrates a clear progression of ideas. The response also provides a variety of sentence structures and precise word choice and is free of significant language errors. Dana Gioia claims that the decline of reading will have a negative impact on society. He uses persuasive techniques and provides the reader with credible facts backing up his claim.

Gioia states that during the past quarter century, American interest in literature has decreased. Ina study showed that reading literature has declined, especially in young adults. A decline in reading has effected the business world tremendously, essay about beauty. When you look at the decline of reading in the civic sphere, it has also had its consequences. Gioia uses many factual examples of the negative consequences due to the decrease in literary skills.

Providing the reader with many examples creates ethos. The author is a credible source of information which makes the passage believable and effective.

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essay about beauty

The definition of beauty is elusive. Each individual has a different perspective and view of beauty. It is either categorized as a phenomenon that comes from inside or outside a person or object. The modern idea of beauty usually clings to the concept that it involves the shape of a person’s physique May 31,  · “The new normal.” I hear it on the radio, catch snippets of it at work, and reference it in text messages to friends. “The new normal” in this world is having virtual visits with family members, barring entrance to nursing homes, and discussing what it’s going to be like to have a If your teacher asked you to write the beauty definition essay and you do not know where to start from, you can place the order on our site and we will write this essay for you. You can be sure, that you will get the high quality paper, because we have only professional writers with the great experience

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