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Essay mother theresa

Essay mother theresa

essay mother theresa

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Marie-Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat, Marquis de Condorcet Essay mother theresa 17, —March 28, is most often referred to as one of the last philosophes or essay mother theresa an early champion of social science. Through educational and constitutional reforms, he hoped to create a liberal, rational and democratic polity.

He advocated for the social utility of statistics and probability theory, and he applied mathematical calculations to fiscal crises, the reform of hospital care, jury decision-making and voting procedures. He is best remembered as the author of the posthumously published final work Esquisse d'un tableau historique de l'esprit humain [Sketch for a Historical Picture of the Human Mind]in which he diagnosed the stages of human progress, including what was yet to come. However, essay mother theresa, far less well known is Condorcet's extraordinary advocacy of the rights of women.

Women did not get the vote during the French Revolution, but they did benefit from many of the changes that occurred in matters of marriage, divorce, inheritance, and the legal status of unwed mothers and their children. However, they ultimately suffered setbacks as many of these reforms were withdrawn or curtailed during Napoleon's reign. On the revolutionary record, essay mother theresa, see Desan ; Traer ; Heuer ; Fraisse ; Landes; Hufton ; Hunt ; Scott ; and Verjus A further consequence of the Revolution is that, for the first time, essay mother theresa, sex was introduced as a constitutional condition for the possession of political rights, even as rights were proclaimed to be universal and inalienable.

In contrast to such hypocrisy, essay mother theresa, Condorcet affirmed woman's equal humanity on the grounds of reason and justice. While never entirely dismissing the influential case for women's difference, Condorcet refused to accept this as an impediment to their equal enjoyment of civil and political rights.

He attributed women's limitations, to the extent they existed, not to their sex but rather to their inferior education and circumstances. Appreciating the risks he faced essay mother theresa rebutting one of the age's most deeply held prejudices, he begged for the opportunity to engage in reasoned dialogue with his opponents:.

I hope that anyone who attacks my arguments will do so without using ridicule or declamation, and above all, essay mother theresa someone will show me a natural difference between men and women on which the exclusion could legitimately be based. Condorcetin McLean and Hewitt— Gender equality was not the only controversial cause espoused by Condorcet: Even before publicly addressing the woman question, he argued vociferously for the humanity and rights of enslaved Africans, and proposed the abolition of slavery in France's overseas colonies.

His work Réflexions sur l'esclavage des nègres [Reflections on Black Slavery] helped incite the abolitionist movement in France, which came together in early in the newly created Société des Amis des Noirs [Society of the Friends of Blacks], of which Condorcet became president in January a counter-lobby to the influential pro-planter Club Massiac.

In addition, he advocated for freedom of commerce, essay mother theresa, the rights of religious minorities, and criminal law reform. IV,cited in McLean and Hewitt He believed in the right of a woman to essay mother theresa her pregnancies.

His views on female education were especially progressive for his time, as he proposed that girls be educated alongside boys within universal, co-educational institutions; and he would have provided for women's admission to all professions for which they showed talent. Feminist, abolitionist, and, in his final years, a democratic republican, Condorcet acted in public life to expand the claims of justice, morality, and human rights, essay mother theresa.

Friend, protégé and ally of Jean Le Rond d'Alembert, essay mother theresa, disciple of Voltaire, essay mother theresa, collaborator of the Essay mother theresaperpetual secretary of the Academy of Sciences, member of the French Academy and numerous European academies, essay mother theresa, renowned mathematician and author of biographies of Anne-Robert-Jacques Turgot and Voltaire and many other prominent intellectuals of his time, he also participated actively in the world of political affairs—first under Turgot's short ministry —and then again during the French Revolution.

Before the Revolution, he published essays on the application of the theory of probability to popular voting, on the American Revolution and the Constitutional Convention; and he actively polemicized on behalf of Turgot's attempted reforms of economic and political life.

He was perhaps the only one of the contributors to Diderot and d'Alembert's celebrated Encyclopédie to live long enough to participate in the French Revolution, helping to draft the Déclaration des droits de l'homme et du citoyen [Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen]. Tragically, he was also one of the Revolution's most prominent casualties: Participant in the preparations for the Convocations of the Estates General, elected representative to the Legislative Assembly in and later to the National Convention, he wrote a report on public instruction [ essay mother theresa ] and drafted a constitution for France embodying his ideal voting procedures, which was never adopted.

The year was a fateful one for Condorcet. He came under an order of proscription by the Convention in following his publicly voiced objections to the scrapping of his draft constitution in favor of a hastily prepared version supported by the increasingly dominant Jacobin faction of the Convention, his protests over press censorship and the arrests of the Girondins, and his scathing comparisons of the Jacobins of to the royalists of After eight months in hiding, during which time he wrote his unfinished Esquisse [Sketch] which included the section published first in as Fragment on the New Atlantis, or Combined Efforts of the Human Species for the Advancement of Sciencehe fled Paris but was arrested on March 27, essay mother theresa,and imprisoned in Bourgla-Reine, where he was essay mother theresa dead in his prison cell on March 29—the cause of his death remains unknown.

In the florid phrasing of one of his nineteenth-century admirers:. Of the illustrious thinkers and writers who for two generations had essay mother theresa actively scattering the seed of revolution in France, only Condorcet survived to behold the first bitter in-gathering of the harvest.

Those who had sown the wind were no more; he only was left to see the reaping of the whirlwind, and to be swiftly and cruelly swept away by it. Voltaire and Diderot, Rousseau and Helvétius, had vanished, but Condorcet both assisted at the Encyclopaedia and sat in the Convention; the one eminent man of those who had tended the tree, who also came in due season to partake of its fruit; at once a precursor, and a sharer in the fulfillment.

Morley Condorcet was born on 17 September in the town of Ribemont-sur-Aisne, in Picardy, to the previously widowed Marie-Magdeleine Gaudry and her essay mother theresa, the Chevalier Antoine de Condorcet, a cavalry captain who was killed on maneuvers only weeks after his son's birth.

The Condorcets were an old noble family from the Dauphiné. His ancestor Henri de Caritat was among the first to adopt the reformed faith in prior to its official toleration in under the terms of the Edict of Essay mother theresa. However, during Louis XIV's campaign against the Huguenots and the Revocation of the Edict inmembers essay mother theresa the family who did not emigrate were forcibly reconverted to the Roman church. By the time of his birth, essay mother theresa, like other male heirs of this family, Condorcet would have been expected to serve the military or the church.

Following his father's untimely death, Condorcet was brought up in essay mother theresa by his deeply pious mother, who dedicated him for his protection to the virgin, clothing him in white dresses until the unconventionally late age of eight. At the instigation of his paternal essay mother theresa, the orthodox-leaning bishop of Lisieux, Condorcet began his formal education at age nine with a Jesuit instructor; and at age eleven he was enrolled for four years in the Jesuit school at Reims, where he had his first academic success, winning second prize at age thirteen.

Despite his own successes at school, essay mother theresa, in later years he decried the role played by competition within the collèges of old régime France; and he joined other enlightened critics of the old order in vehemently opposing the religious control of education. In the first of his writings on public instruction in the Bibliothèque de l'homme public [The Public Man's Library], he emphasized a cooperative model of education, stating:.

Human life is not a struggle in which rivals contend for prizes. It is a voyage that brothers make together: where each employs his forces for the good of all and is rewarded by the sweetness of mutual benevolence, by the pleasure that comes with the sentiment of having earned the gratitude or the esteem of others. The habit of striving for first place is either ridiculous or unfortunate for the individual in whom it has been inculcated.

It is a real calamity for those whom fate condemns to live with him. The need to deserve esteem, on the other hand, leads to that inner peace which alone makes happiness possible and virtue easy. The mix of dogma and corporal punishment that he experienced in his Jesuit schooling equally appalled Condorcet. In an unpublished manuscript he remarked.

They teach children that they cannot do good acts without grace, and that there are two sorts of sins: the venial, for which you are burnt for a few centuries, and the mortal, essay mother theresa, for which you are burnt eternally….

Humiliation and opprobrium are the natural state of Christians. unpublished ms. As early asundoubtedly under the sway of his initial meeting with the illustrious Voltaire inhe addressed the problem of religious intolerance in an anonymous work that was frequently attributed to Voltaire himself. Condorcet, however, essay mother theresa, persisted in his defense of a more secular society.

Followinghe publicly promoted the principle of toleration and opposed the intrusion of religion into the new nation's public schools, essay mother theresa. No authority has the right to prefer one over another. Between andCondorcet continued his studies in ethics, metaphysics, logic and mathematics at the prestigious Collège essay mother theresa Navarre, part of the University of Paris, where the Newtonian abbé Jean-Antoine Nollet held France's first chair of experimental physics.

Under the tutelage of the abbé Georges Girault de Kéroudou, regent in philosophy at Navarre, Condorcet's talent for mathematics and philosophy blossomed. After a two-year stay in Ribemont following Navarre, essay mother theresa, during which time he overcame family objections to his pursuit of a scientific career, Condorcet took up lodgings in Paris for a time with his former teacher, Girault de Kéroudou, undertaking further study in problems of the integral calculus.

His first formal paper to the Royal Academy of Science was rejected, although the mathematicians Aléxis-Claude Clairaut and Aléxis Fontaine recognized his mathematical talent. With better results, he read a second paper on the same topic before the Academy in With the endorsement of Jean Le Rond d'Alembert and Étienne Bézout, he published Essai sur le calcul integral [Essay on Integral Calculus], which merited a section in the annual Histoire de l'Académie des sciences forof which he was not yet a essay mother theresa. The astronomer Joseph-Jerôme de Lalande, member of the Berlin and French Academies, ranked the then twenty-one year old Condorcet as one of the ten leading mathematicians in Europe; and his further applications of integral calculus impressed such renowned mathematicians as Joseph-Louis Lagrange, essay mother theresa, Leonhard Paul Euler, essay mother theresa, and Daniel Bernoulli.

Through d'Alembert, Condorcet was granted an introduction to Voltaire, who would henceforth become another great influence on the young man; and he began attending the salon of Julie Jeanne Julie Éléonore de Lespinasse, a gathering place for the leading philosophes of the day. There he met and befriended the French economist and statesman Anne-Robert-Jacques Turgot — —a proponent of physiocratic economic theories and enlightened administration—who, like Voltaire and d'Alembert would play an important role in the young mathematician's evolution essay mother theresa an increasingly prominent public intellectual, essay mother theresa.

At Lespinasse's salon, essay mother theresa, he also met and began a close friendship with another woman of letters and hostess of a literary salon, Amelie Suard, sister of the publisher Charles-Joseph Panckoucke and wife of the academician Jean-Baptiste Suard. Both Lespinasse and Suard not only encouraged the young man's intellectual appetites but also appear to have counseled him on matters of the heart and his social manners, essay mother theresa, which they regarded as rather unpolished see Badinter In this company, he earned a reputation for being a quick-tempered but also essay mother theresa shy, socially ill at ease, and introverted young man.

On the professional front, Condorcet's success in the science of mathematical calculus came early, resulting in his appointment to the Royal Academy of Sciences in In he became the permanent secretary of the Academy of Sciences. Inhe was appointed essay mother theresa the French Academy, in recognition of his contribution to the world of letters. As a result, as Keith Michael Baker reveals.

for almost twenty years Condorcet was the principal spokesman of organized science not only in France but given the power and prestige of the Paris Academy of Science … [and his post of perpetual secretary] throughout Europe.

Above all, he emerges as the social theorist of science as it developed under the Old Regime essay mother theresa shape some of the fundamental postulates of Enlightenment thought.

Essay mother theresa In the s Condorcet first showed himself to be a talented and passionate polemicist, aiming to turn public administration to the public good, essay mother theresa shrewdly appreciating how much power and position weighed in achieving the latter. Upon Turgot's ascension to head of the financial administration of the monarchy as Controller-General [in effect, Minister of Finance], Condorcet freely offered his services in the war of opinion. He defended Turgot's introduction of free trade in grain, the abolition of guilds and corporations, and the suppression of the corvée : the forced labor system or taxation in kind associated with seignurial rights and royal privilege.

He pressed for reform of the country's system of weights and measures and participated in hydrodynamic experiments to determine the engineering principles of canal construction. Like Turgot's other short-lived reforms, Condorcet also embraced the latter's unsuccessful proposal essay mother theresa reform the system of political representation in France by introducing a hierarchy of assemblies from the local to the national level.

Condorcet would continue to honor Turgot's efforts at reform as he developed his own ideas about how best to achieve political justice through the ballot and constitutional revision, as in his essential work Essai sur la constitution et ses functions des assemblées provinciales [Essay on the Constitution and the Functions of Provincial Assemblies] In La Vie de Turgot [Life of Turgot]he celebrated his belated friend's contributions to public administration and free trade.

Moreover, like his mentor, Condorcet rejected naked self-interest as the only motivator of human behavior, insisting on the role to be played by love and sympathy. In a correspondence concerning Turgot's repudiation of the unmodified utilitarianism of Claude Adrien Helvétius' De l'Esprit [On Mind]essay mother theresa, Condorcet advanced his own thoughts on sympathy and ethics: [ 10 ].

For example, he addressed the subject of healthcare, with the hope of ending a system long associated with indigence and Christian charity.

In his Memoire sur les hôpitaux [Memoir on Hospitals], he suggested closing down the thousand-year old municipal hospital of the city of Paris, essay mother theresa, the Hôtel-Dieuand replacing it with a secular, locally-based, essay mother theresa, municipal health-delivery system composed of small neighborhood hospices. He was also not averse to changing his earlier formulated positions. Infor example, he reversed his argument put forward in against progressive taxation, in favor of the same see Greenbaum and Perkins Most significant, however, essay mother theresa, were the evolution of his political views, from support of a reformed, constitutional monarchy to defense of a democratic republic, essay mother theresa, from defense of a property-based franchise to universal suffrage.

He was elected to the Electoral Assembly to represent the nobility from the bailiwick around his country place at Mantes. Although he did not serve in the first National Assembly following the outbreak of the Revolution inhe was elected by his residential district to the General Assembly of the first Paris Commune. In Octoberessay mother theresa, he was elected to the National Legislative Assembly, where he served and then chaired the Committee on Public Instruction, essay mother theresa.

In this same year, essay mother theresa, he looked essay mother theresa toward the future. I believe humankind is infinitely perfectible, essay mother theresa, and that it should thus devote itself to achieving peace, liberty and equality, whose term is impossible to fix. I also believe that this progress must be the work of reason, fortified by meditation, supported by experience.

His evolving republican views were confirmed after the King's flight and capture at Essay mother theresa in Juneand following the attack on July 17, on peaceful demonstrators on the Champ-de-Mars petitioning for a removal of king Louis XVI by the troops commanded by General Lafayette an earlier ally of Condorcetan event which Condorcet took personally as his wife and infant daughter were among the crowd on that day.

In the fall ofhe gained election to the National Convention of the newly constituted first French Republic, for which he served by election as one of the nine members of the Committee on a Constitution, of which he was then made essay mother theresa. In Condorcet's view.

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essay mother theresa

the mother country takes from its colonies raw materials and sells them back in the form of finished products. This allows the mother country to keep economic control over the colonies. With the opening of new trade routes, the Northern and Western European states were able to break the Venetian-Arab trade monopoly with the Indies Mar 10,  · Marie-Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat, Marquis de Condorcet (September 17, –March 28, ) is most often referred to as one of the last philosophes or as an early champion of social science. [] An inspired proponent of human rights, Condorcet moved from his first achievements in mathematics into public service, with the aim of applying to social and political affairs a scientific model William Wyler was an American filmmaker who, at the time of his death in , was considered by his peers as second only to John Ford as a master craftsman of cinema. The winner of three Best Director Academy Awards, second again only to Ford's four, Wyler's reputation has unfairly suffered as the lack of an obvious "signature" in his diverse body of work denies him the honorific "auteur

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