A scientific investigation of a theme related to European Studies. The thesis must be written in English, German or French. We advise students to write the thesis in the foreign language they have been admitted to the study programme with. The thesis should be approx. pages (12 pt, 1,5 spacing) This master thesis is concerned with the European Union’s relationship with Ukraine by analysing the Union’s foreign policy towards the former Soviet state and the ongoing crisis on its territory. According to the United Nations (), in May , more than 9, people have been killed in the Ukraine conflict MASTER THESIS IN EUROPEAN STUDIES Beyond Access to Finance A Micro- and macro level study of determinants of SME growth Author: Ena Bilic Supervisor: Oskar Broberg ! Abstract! The present study analyses the weaknesses and strengths of the “tools” used by governments
Course - Master's Thesis in European Studies - EUR - NTNU
The first semester September 1st until mid-January has international relations and foreign-policy as overall topic, european studies master thesis. It consists of course work and project work in the areas of comparative regional integration, the external role of the EU and of International Relations.
Separate courses european studies master thesis method are offered, too. The second semester February 1st until mid-June is focused on the EU how it is organized and how it works. Also a Simulation Game is part of the semester.
The third semester September to late January involves an internship in an EU, national or non-governmental agency related to Europe, or a study period at a foreign university. The fourth semester February 1st until mid-June is focused on the Master's Thesis. It consists of independent research work of about pages with an in-depth study of a problem-area within the field of European Studies. The study method at AAU is called Problem Based Learning PBL, european studies master thesis.
Together with your fellow students you will work with real life problems by way of problem based project work. Aalborg University P. Box DK Aalborg. Mail: aau aau.
dk CVRnr: Eannr: EAN. Education Find your AAU Programme. Go to Education Read all about your AAU programme. Study Programmes at AAU Bachelor's programmes Master's programmes Guest and Exchange Programmes PHD Programmes Continuing Education Joint Masters. Meet us Meet Aalborg University.
Studying at AAU Study method — Problem Based Learning Study in Scandinavia — reasons for studying at AAU Study at AAU in Aalborg Study at AAU in Esbjerg Study at AAU in Copenhagen Information for parents First days at AAU. Guidance Student guidance State Educational Grant SU. Research Find AAU Research european studies master thesis Researchers. Go to Research Read about research at AAU. Find AAU Research Publications Projects Researchers Press releases.
Research Units Faculties and Sector Research Departments Doctoral Schools Research Centres. About research at AAU Research Strategy Open Access Ranking of AAU Vacant Academic Positions. PHD Studies PHD Studies at AAU Doctoral Schools Vacant PHD Positions Apply for at PHD position Other PHD opportunities.
Cooperation Cooperate with AAU. Go to Cooperation Read about how we work together. EUROPEAN STUDIES, MASTER. Academic content Organisation of the European Studies programme The four-semester programme ECTS is organised as follows: The first semester September 1st until mid-January has international relations and foreign-policy as overall topic.
Also a Simulation Game is part of the semester The third semester September to late January involves an internship in an EU, national or non-governmental agency related to Europe, or a study period at a foreign university The fourth semester February 1st until mid-June is focused on the Master's Thesis. Student testimonials The programme is both fun and provides strong learning outcomes within only 2 years.
Study Method at AAU - Problem Based Learning The study method at AAU is called Problem Based Learning PBL. learn more about Pbl at aau. Apply now. Contact AAU Aalborg University Fredrik Bajers Vej 7K Aalborg East Denmark Aalborg University P. dk CVRnr: Eannr: EAN Privacy and use of cookies. About AAU Organisation and Management Strategy, mission and vision Quality assurance european studies master thesis Study Programmes The Aalborg Model for Problem Based Learning AAU in figures and facts International Cooperation History, european studies master thesis, European studies master thesis Doctors and Fellows, european studies master thesis.
Find us on social media Facebook YouTube. Regional Integration and Regionalisation or specialization classes.
Best PhD Thesis in European Studies (2018) - Koen Slootmaeckers
, time: 4:30MASTER THESIS IN EUROPEAN STUDIES Beyond Access to Finance A Micro- and macro level study of determinants of SME growth Author: Ena Bilic Supervisor: Oskar Broberg ! Abstract! The present study analyses the weaknesses and strengths of the “tools” used by governments This master thesis is concerned with the European Union’s relationship with Ukraine by analysing the Union’s foreign policy towards the former Soviet state and the ongoing crisis on its territory. According to the United Nations (), in May , more than 9, people have been killed in the Ukraine conflict How to Write a Thesis in European Studies I. Some Introductory Comments 1. You are in charge! Writing a thesis is probably the most time consuming and complex project you ever approached. We provide you with some guidance in terms of its content as well as the time management and you can of
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