Sunday, August 1, 2021

Phd in history

Phd in history

phd in history

The PhD in History The Department of History offers a PhD program centered on rigorous research within a vibrant and diverse intellectual community. While most of our students have a history degree (BA) or degrees (BA and MA), we accept students with a variety of backgrounds and interests. Admission is highly competitive A doctoral degree in history provides opportunities for employment in academic research and college teaching. Some graduates also take positions working in public history, for museums, historical organizations, and government agencies Dec 13,  · A Ph.D. in History is the terminal degree in the field and can take up to seven years of study beyond any undergraduate studies. Individuals who hold a Ph.D. in History might work as history Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins

Doctoral Degree: Graduate: Department of History: Indiana University Bloomington

Indiana University Bloomington Indiana University Bloomington IU Bloomington. Graduate students have access to all the benefits of one of the largest history departments and one of the largest research libraries in the country.

With more than fifty faculty members, the Department of History provides a rich range of choices for graduate study. Yet the graduate program is not impersonal: the faculty take phd in history in providing small classes and supportive advising for students.

A doctoral degree in history provides opportunities for employment in academic research and phd in history teaching, phd in history. Some graduates also take positions working in public history, for museums, historical organizations, and government agencies. Students who successfully complete the MA degree and field review automatically proceed to the Ph.

Applicants who intend to pursue a doctoral degree should apply to Ph. program regardless of whether they hold an MA degree. Two historical fields—a major and minor—from the following list form the core of the doctoral degree.

Alternatively, students may elect to pursue the dual concentration in Cultural History and one of the geographic major fields listed below; students enrolled in this program do not complete an inside minor.

We have a field-by-field list of resources available at the IUB campus, but they are also listed here for the sake of convenience. These guidelines will apply to all fields. They do allow for a degree of flexibility and do not include any reference to the content of the exam. Each field also describes what they expect of major and inside minor field examinees for the oral exam as well as specific guidelines for the prospectus. The GAC agrees that these statements should contain no references to numbers of books.

Generally speaking the new exam format phd in history a process of negotiation and discussion between examiners and examinee to craft an appropriate exam. Field-by-field exam requirements are available in the Student Portal. The exam committee will consist of two or three major field examiners, one or two inside minor field examiners, phd in history, and one outside minor field examiner, phd in history.

The major and inside minor field members will represent fields from the History Department list; the outside minor examiner will represent a department or program other than History. The outside field representative may, at his or her discretion, waive participation. All examiners must be IU faculty members. The same committee presides over the oral exam and the prospectus defense. The oral exam will run for no more than three hours, phd in history.

The major field examiners will have no more than two hours for their part of the exam, phd in history. The inside and outside minor fields, phd in history, combined, phd in history have no more than one hour. All convened examiners should participate in the whole of the exam. In conference prior to the exam the examiners should determine the order of the exam and how best to organize the time. The examination will be tape recorded.

For the dissertation prospectus the graduate school requires a substantial piece of writing taking the form of a grant proposal. It should explain phd in history potential significance of the proposed dissertation project and place it in historiographical context.

It should include a bibliography. Individual fields will provide specific guidelines. The examinee should consult with, at least, his or her primary adviser regarding preparation of the prospectus.

The defense should take place phd in history one week and six months following the oral examination at a time when all examiners can participate. No later than one week prior to the defense, the prospectus should be submitted to the graduate secretary and to the examination committee members. The graduate secretary phd in history make available paper copies of the prospectus for whomever is interested, phd in history.

The graduate secretary will make an announcement of the defense to history faculty and graduate students and will make arrangements for a room large enough to accommodate whoever would like to come. As stated in the University Graduate School Bulletin, phd in history, students have two chances to pass each part of the qualifying exam.

No prospectus defense will be held until the oral exam has been passed. Should the student, having phd in history the oral exam, fail to produce a prospectus within the allotted time he or she may have to retake the entire exam. Should the student, having passed the oral exam, fail the phd in history defense, phd in history, he or she will have four more months to successfully defend the prospectus, phd in history. The History Department prepares students for employment as professional historians.

Training students for careers in teaching is an important focus of the graduate program in history. The majority of our students plan to teach at a university or liberal arts college. We offer support in the form of pedagogy courses as well as workshops designed to assist students in preparation to teach. For more than two decades the Indiana University History Department has been at the forefront of the movement to prepare graduate students to become college teachers.

Graduate students in our program have the opportunity to explore the rapidly expanding scholarship on teaching and learning history through three graduate courses: Teaching College History, Teaching World History and Teaching U.

These courses expose students to pedagogical theories and issues in the field. Students are given assistance with course preparation, lecturing, and exam creation. Each student will prepare a syllabus, exams, and other course materials for a course in his or her field.

Graduate students may also choose to pursue a minor in Historical Teaching and Practice. Faculty from our department are making important contributions to the development of this field. They have delivered papers on learning history at national and international conferences, have contributed articles to this growing literature and are participating in the creation of an international society for the teaching and learning of history, phd in history.

The department has received a large grant in a competition sponsored by the I. Dean of Faculties Office that will allow it to undertake two projects: a web site that will coordinate the efforts of historians throughout the world to develop a more systematic understanding of how learning can be increased in college classrooms and an inventory of the kind of skills required of the undergraduates in our upper-level courses that will serve as the basis for new attempts to model these skills more effectively in our lower level classes.

Graduate students in our department have access to what may be the most systematic program for exploring the scholarship of teaching and learning history in the nation. Former students report that what they have learned in these classes has been a key element in their successful job searches and that they have begun their careers as college teachers with a solid foundation of knowledge about what works in the history classroom.

Graduate students in history at Indiana University have a variety of other opportunities for more practical experience and instruction in college teaching. Graduate students in our department receive practical training in teaching through their close work with faculty as Associate Instructors and Course Assistants. Associate Instructors lead discussion sections attached to large undergraduate courses and grade student work.

Course Assistants grade student work in large undergraduate courses. The department also hires students to develop and teach summer courses for undergraduates, and sometimes phd in history have the opportunity to teach their own courses during the regular academic year.

Indiana University's Future Faculty Teaching Fellowships provide students with the chance to teach at other IU campuses and receive mentoring from the full-time faculty at these campuses. The Department also regularly helps students find part-time teaching experiences at other nearby institutions.

Indiana University's Center for Phd in history Teaching and Learning office offers a busy schedule of workshops on teaching discussion sections and lecture classes, grading, etc. Skip to Content Skip to Main Navigation Skip to Search. Home Graduate Doctoral Degree. Earning a Ph, phd in history. in History Phd in history are dedicated to training first-rate historians for careers in and out of the classroom.

Degree Requirements Time Limits, Expectations, and Advising Time Limits and Expectations: There are two notable timelines when pursuing a Ph. in History. First is the time you spend completing coursework, languages, and qualifying exams.

All of these tasks must be phd in history within seven years. Once a student has successfully completed the qualifying exam procedures they are formally nominated to "candidacy" by the department. A student is then in the next stage known in the profession as A. Another seven years of time is permitted for this A.

However, it is reasonable for students to complete the first stage of study in three to four years with and additional two to four years for the A.

Variables influencing these timelines are determined by fields of study and language requirements. Advisings: A new graduate student in the Indiana University Department of History is assigned a faculty advisor who works in the general field of the student's interest. As the student refines and focuses that interest, she or he is encouraged to seek out the most appropriate faculty members with whom to work.

Students are free to change advisors at any time after the first semester, subject to approval by the Director of Graduate Studies. Effective and continuous advising provides the basis for satisfactory development of education and career plans. Students should meet with their advisors at least once each semester to review thoroughly both their current programs and future plans, phd in history.

Each you the advisor will complete a brief report that summarizes the student's academic progress to date. The Director of Graduate Studies is also available to clarify degree requirements and to discuss long and short-term goals. Credit Hours and Course Requirements Ph. History Majors: The minimum course requirements for the Ph. For those students transferring MA credits, a maximum of 2 colloquia and 1 seminar may by transferred from another institution, the remainder of the history course work must be completed at IUB.

Students may take dissertation credits H to fulfill the 90 credit hours required by the University Graduate School to complete the Ph.

Students enrolled in the dual concentration program in Cultural History must complete H and H in addition to the requirements listed above. The Outside Minor: The University Graduate School requires all Ph. students to complete a minor field outside the student's major department. The relevant department or program determines the requirements necessary to complete the minor, including the number and type of courses.

Outside Minor in History: Students in other departments may minor in History by completing, with a grade-point average no lower than B 3. No more than 6 hours of work transferred from another university may be applied toward this requirement, and such credit must be approved by the Director of Graduate Studies in the History Department. To arrange for a history minor, students should consult the Director of Graduate Studies in History.

Language Requirements Languages of Scholarship: Students are required to demonstrate proficiency in at least one foreign language with most fields of study requiring two languages, and a few specialized areas requiring even more.

Certification of reading knowledge in one of the following foreign languages is most common: Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Ancient Greek, phd in history, Italian, Latin, phd in history, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian or Spanish.

The Many Careers of History PhDs

, time: 5:23

Online PhD in History | Doctorate in History | Liberty University

phd in history

A doctoral degree in history provides opportunities for employment in academic research and college teaching. Some graduates also take positions working in public history, for museums, historical organizations, and government agencies Alumni Job Placements. Director, National Coalition for History. Assistant Professor, University of Prince Edward Island. Assistant Professor, Towson University. Assistant Professor of History and Director of American Studies, West Chester University. Independent historian. Senior Archivist The PhD in History The Department of History offers a PhD program centered on rigorous research within a vibrant and diverse intellectual community. While most of our students have a history degree (BA) or degrees (BA and MA), we accept students with a variety of backgrounds and interests. Admission is highly competitive

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