Sunday, August 1, 2021

Research paper on online payment systems

Research paper on online payment systems

research paper on online payment systems

Research Paper Available online at: The Study of Electronic Payment Systems Mamta Assistant Professor, Computer Science Engineering, Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow, U.P., India Prof. Hariom Tyagi Associate Professor, Computer Science Engineering, Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam TechnicalFile Size: KB This study found that system credibility, facilitating conditions, perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness are the most important factors that affect to the customer awareness and slow adoption of E-payment system. This research will help to understand the reason behind lack of adoption of E-Payment system by studying the customer’s knowledge about the usage of E-payment system and click of buttons. SADAD is online payment system whereas government and private sector organizations have attached to centralized system of SADAD. Customers can make online shopping, payment of utility bills, government service payment, tuition fees of universities, and discharging other obligations. Introduction. Technology has changed ways of

(PDF) E-commerce: Recommended Online Payment Method - PayPal | IJCSMC Journal -

To browse Academia. edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser.

Skip to main content. edu no longer supports Internet Explorer. Log In Sign Up. E-Payment 1, Followers. Papers People. Software engineering based secured E-payment system. Nowadays, the E-payment systems have been considered to be the safe research paper on online payment systems of money transfer in most of modern institutes and companies.

Moreover, the security is important side of these systems to ensure that the money transfer is done Moreover, the security is important side of these research paper on online payment systems to ensure that the money transfer is done safely. Software engineering techniques are used for guaranteeing the applying of security and privacy of such systems. In this paper, a secure E-payment system is proposed based on software engineering model and neural network technology.

This system uses different proposed algorithms for applying authentication to the devices of users as mobile application. They are used to control the key management in the system. It uses the neural network back-propagation method for ensuring the security of generated keys that have sufficient random levels.

The proposed system is tested over numerous cases and the obtained results show an efficient performance in terms of security and money transfer.

Moreover, the generated keys are tested according to NIST standards. Save to Library. Der Markt für Payment Service Provider PSP in Deutschland ist in der Breite weitgehend unbekannt und folglich sind dessen Merkmale und Wettbewerbsstruktur selbst bei branchenfremden Finanzexperten nur eingeschränkt bekannt.

Dies ist Dies ist u. darauf zurückzuführen, dass es sich um einen B2B-Markt handelt mit einer, im Vergleich zu anderen Finanzdienstleistungen, eher kurzen Historie. Das PSP-Geschäft hat allerdings in den letzten Jahren stark an wirtschaftlicher Bedeutung gewonnen, nicht zuletzt aufgrund des rasanten Wachstums des internetbasierten Handels.

Diese neu gewonnene Stärke wurde für jedermann durch den Aufstieg des vermeintlichen Marktführers Wirecard AG in den DAX im September dokumentiert. Mit der publikationsträchtigen Aufwertung der Wirecard AG verband sich die Erwartung, dass PSPs eine zunehmend wichtige Rolle im Markt für Finanzdienstleistungen spielen werden.

Dem research paper on online payment systems insolventen Unternehmen wurde zeitweilig gar der Status der Systemrelevanz zugesprochen, z. dokumentiert durch das mit ebensolchem begründete Leerverkaufsverbot durch die BaFin. Die schleppende Aufarbeitung des Wirecard-Skandals und die damit einhergehende Diskussion, ob das Unternehmen tatsächlich jemals systemrelevanten Charakter erlangt hat, dokumentiert die Intransparenz des deutschen PSP-Marktes.

Wenn über Jahre die Herkunft fiktiver Umsätze durch sogenannte Marktexperten nicht hinterfragt wird trotz deutlicher Hinweise aus dem Auslanddann belegt dies auch mangelndes Grundverständnis des PSP-Geschäftes an sich. Diese Mankos sollen durch den vorliegenden Beitrag adressiert werden, research paper on online payment systems.

Dabei geht es auch um die Frage, ob doch Hidden Champions im deutschen PSP-Markt zu finden sind. In einem ersten Schritt konkretisiert dieser Beitrag die Organisationsform PSP. Die Ausführungen sollen verdeutlichen, wie die Besonderheiten des eCommerce-Handels Entstehung und Wachstum des PSP-Marktes bis heute fördern und prägen. Daran anknüpfend werden in einem zweiten Schritt die Geschäftsmodelle der PSPs und deren wesentliche Werttreiber analysiert.

Darauf aufbauend wird, drittens, die aktuelle Marktstruktur anhand der Umsätze der von PSPs betreuten Händler beschrieben. Dies ermöglicht Aussagen bezüglich Marktkonzentration und Wettbewerbsintensität. Dadurch kann dann, viertens, die übergeordnete Fragestellung zu möglichen Hidden Champions adressiert werden.

E-Payment adalah pembayaran elektronik melalui sms, atau online service seperti internet online banking. E-Payment juga bisa disebut sebagai suatu sistem yang menyediakan alat-alat untuk pembayaran jasa atau barang-barang yang dilakukan E-Payment juga bisa disebut sebagai suatu sistem yang menyediakan alat-alat untuk pembayaran jasa atau research paper on online payment systems yang dilakukan melalui internet.

Sistem pembayaran elektronik e-payment tidak dipungkiri menjadi salah satu solusi media pembayaran atau penyimpanan dana sementara. Saat ini, epayment sudah berkembang dan semakin lazim dipakai oleh masyarakat Indonesia baik yang berupa kartu e-money atau berdasarkan aplikasi e-wallet. Web Money Planet Планета Web-денег, research paper on online payment systems. The book presents a forecast of the evolution of the monetary system - from unsecured public money, disconnected from commodity security, leading to inflation and social inequality - to private money.

Transition to «society without cash» — a global tendency? Переход к «обществу без наличных» — глобальная тенденция? In the world the consensus concerning the future decline of an era of cash is now reached. Economists - theorists presented a number of models with different degree of viability on transition implementation to society without cash.

In article these models, and also the advantages reached at stimulation of development of non-cash retail payments are analyzed.

Security Safeguards on e-Payment Systems in Malaysia: Analysis on the Payment Systems Act Central to the infrastructure of electronic commerce activities is the electronic payment system. This encompasses not only the issues of technical sophistication but also legal readiness.

In the context of electronic commerce environment In the context of electronic research paper on online payment systems environment in Malaysia, this paper seeks to highlight and examine the Malaysian legal readiness in the aspect of electronic payment system, focusing on its Payment Systems Act The discussion is limited to the issue of electronic security measures embodied in the law.

Within its restricted scope, this paper seeks to demonstrate how the law recognizes the importance of security measures in order to build confidence and trust among the public and mainly the users of electronic payments in the country. Risks of electronic payments: manifestations, dynamics, ways of minimization Риски электронных платежей: проявления, динамика, способы минимизации. Cashless settlements: joint projects of banks and other players in the payment market Безналичные расчеты: совместные проекты банков и других игроков платежного рынка.

The Future for Electronic Payments in Russia: Trends, Problems, and Prospects. Comfort, feasibility, validity of the requirements of the new law on National Payment System: the first attempt at analysis Комфортность, выполнимость, обоснованность требований нового закона об НПС: первая попытка анализа. Konstantin Migalev. Impact of E-bills Payment on Customer Satisfaction in Uganda: Stanbic Bank Uganda Limited as the Case Study.

The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of e-bill payment on customer satisfaction in Uganda with Stanbic Bank Uganda Limited as the case study. The study involved 5 managers, 10 Middle Level staff involved in E-banking The study involved 5 managers, 10 Middle Level staff involved in E-banking operations, 5 Head office Stanbic E-banking operative staff, 8 Customer relationship officers attending walk-in-customers and 63 Customers of Research paper on online payment systems Bank Uganda Limited.

A cross-sectional approach, as well as a combination of quantitative and qualitative data analysis techniques was employed in this study. Quantitative data analysis techniques involved the use of descriptive statistics such as frequencies and percentages to summarize responses on issues of E-bills payment impact on customer satisfaction while the Pearson's correlation coefficient was used to establish the relationship between dimensions of E-bills payment and customer satisfaction as study objectives.

is less than 0, research paper on online payment systems. This implies that improvements in e-bill payment factors shall be related to improvements in customer satisfaction.

Findings from descriptive statistics indicated that on average the respondents agreed to the research paper on online payment systems that e-bill payment has an effect on customer satisfaction which included capacity to handle a greatly enhanced volume and of payments, far lesser time per bill handles, increased efficiency and accuracy and reduced payment concerns.

Digitalization on Financial Services and Implications for Monetary Policy in Thailand, research paper on online payment systems. This study analyzes the impacts of digitalization on financial services on monetary policy in Thailand. Our empirical findings show that an increasing usage of electronic payment e-Payment among Thai people has small substitution effect Our empirical findings show that an increasing usage of electronic payment e-Payment among Thai people has small substitution effect on cash demand.

Cash usage continues to rise along with size of the economy. Therefore, research paper on online payment systems, e-Payment has no apparent effect on monetary policy at this moment.

However, the effects will gradually materialize consistent with e-Payment usage and government policies. In terms of efficiency, the study finds that digital payment usage could reinforce the effectiveness of monetary policy transmission in several channels, especially the asset price channel. This is because people could shift their portfolio investment more conveniently with lower costs.

Moreover, our scenario analysis of the coming digital currency shows that if the daily use of cryptocurrencies becomes more popular, especially those which are not tied their prices with national currency, their widespread adoption might lead to lower demand for local currency and yield negative impacts on monetary policy.

Hence, the issuance of central bank digital currency is one option that central banks could prepare to preserve their credibility on maintaining monetary and financial stability for the country. Thitima Chucherd. Thiti Tosborvorn. How current forces are changing the future of Cross-border Payments - Highlighting the Challenges and Inefficiencies of the System. The changing market dynamics in addition to globalisation and increasing internationalisation and trade needs effective and improved cross-border payment system, but the currently existing systems were found to be ineffective simply The changing market dynamics in addition to globalisation and increasing internationalisation and trade needs effective and improved cross-border payment system, research paper on online payment systems, but the currently existing systems were found to be ineffective simply because of the range of challenges and inefficiencies.

These challenges range from the lack of transparency to the unavailability of real-time information related to foreign exchange; thereby calling for an improved and efficient platform and a system that can ensure improvement in cross-border payments and transactions. Awareness and Reason towards Slow Adoption of E-Payment System: Study of Hyderabad.

This makes a solid case for adoption in many developed as well as developing This makes a solid case for adoption in many developed as well as developing countries. However, there are many countries who have not successfully implemented it due to lack of facilities and even lack of awareness of customers.

In Hyderabad many people prefer COD method when they order online. This research aimed to analyze the customer awareness and lack of adoption of E-payment system in Hyderabad marketplace.

The survey was conducted using questionnaire that was adopted from existing measurement instruments from past research papers. The questionnaires were distributed to customers and banks of Hyderabad, male and female, aged ranging from 18 to 51 years old. The data is analyzed using SPSS Software. The sample size was respondents of Hyderabad. This study found that system credibility, facilitating conditions, perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness are the most important factors that affect to the customer awareness and slow adoption of E-payment system.

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(PDF) Electronic payment system: A complete guide | Multidisciplines Publications -

research paper on online payment systems

Jan 07,  · Research Paper on Online Payment Systems. Online Payment Systems (OPS) are the companies that issue virtual currency, designing and implementing technology of their circulation and ensuring all transactions with their e-currency. Often online payment systems are part of the largest Internet companies, one of the directions of their activities (for example, PayPal, as a part of EBay.) click of buttons. SADAD is online payment system whereas government and private sector organizations have attached to centralized system of SADAD. Customers can make online shopping, payment of utility bills, government service payment, tuition fees of universities, and discharging other obligations. Introduction. Technology has changed ways of Materials and methods In this study/review paper, we give an overview of an electronic payment system, discuss the background history, highlight current available payments system against e-commerce, individual features of each payment system in a tabular form, highlight the security flaws, and finally identify issues, and suggest a solution based on study and understanding

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